
Showing posts from May, 2012

The right man

At the risk of turning this into a pure football blog (as opposed to an "infrequently updated with any old random shit" one), the FA's decision to appoint Roy Hodgson as England manager is noteworthy for more than mere footballing reasons. At a time when scrutiny over the UK media is as forensic as it's ever been, their collective reaction to the appointment has managed to cast yet another blow to their already abysmal public standing. Past form suggests we should never be surprised at how low a tabloid headline may go, but the Sun's infamous piece of speech impediment-based mockery was crass and classless even for them. Still, what should we expect in a Murdochland where the solution to its sister paper getting caught with its tackle out was to close the thing down and effectively relaunch it a few months later? Sports journalism in the last couple of days has proven itself to be every bit as base and compromised as its front-page counterparts. The basic form...