
Showing posts from April, 2016

Family affairs

Wolves FC have recently announced a  new shirt sponsorship deal for next season with The Money Shop , a payday loan firm. This being 2016 and the internet being the internet, an online petition was swiftly set up and has amassed plenty of outraged signatories. The modern malaise of one-click activism is a topic for another day, but what I do find curious about this saga is the common refrain that Wolves should not be associating themselves with such ne'er-do-well companies because we are a 'family club'. This does rather beg the question of whether any football club wouldn't consider itself a Family Club in this day and age. Actually, the answer is probably Leeds United, who according to an employment tribunal were guilty of unfair dismissal and sex discrimination when they sacked the partner of former manager Neil Redfearn, and have an owner in Massimo Cellino whose titanic self-delusion appears to be matched only by his chronic sexism, if his alleged views