
Showing posts from September, 2024

"Dynamic pricing"

Ay up, our kid... are we the baddies? "Industries like airlines and Uber do it already"  Yes, and it sucks when they do it. Plus, they don't advertise one price and then increase it during the queuing process. "It's not Ticketmaster who set the prices, it's the bands" You're telling me the bands would have had this idea themselves if those guys hadn't invented it? Or that, when presented with the option of making more money, you would find it easy to decline? "Noel and Liam have forgotten their working class roots" They've not been working class for a long time, guys. Trying to paint either Gallagher as a saint this late in the game seems rather silly. "It's just capitalism, stupid" I'm no expert, but I would suggest that for capitalism to function it can't just be about the pure, untrammelled pursuit of profit. It's mostly about that, sure. But the last financial crash wasn't an inevitable consequence