Let there be shite

Take a look at this:


"Millions of Britons are finally waking up to the fact that their beloved light bulb will disappear for good after 120 years", indeed. I'm not very good at jokes, but if I were to ask "How many Daily Mail readers does it take to change a lightbulb?" then the punchline might be something like "Change? Never! Them European bureaucrats can take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"

What in the name of sanity is going on? Somebody on the Popbitch messageboard said it best - in 1889 the Mail's headline would have read "Millions of Britons are finally waking up to the fact that their beloved gas lighting will disappear for good after 120 years." It's not just the Mail though, there was an item on BBC Breakfast this morning full of people complaining that the new eco-friendly bulbs are neither pretty, bright nor traditional enough. They even interviewed some bloke who was presumably meant to be an expert of some sort (he was wearing a suit and everything) arguing that the old bulbs aren't polluting the environment by emitting CO2, so what's the point in getting rid of them?

Well I'm not certain mate, but it might be something to do with the fact that although the energy saved by installing one new bulb is minimal, doing the same with the millions of other light fittings across the country will save a shitload. This is utterly typical of current attitudes to the environment, a combination of sheer laziness and pigheaded refusal to adapt to new ways of living. I wonder if that guy's grandchildren will be happy when all the fossil fuels run out and the world isn't ready because hey, it's too incovenient to walk a couple of miles rather than take the car, and of course wind turbines are fine in principle but we don't want those ghastly things ruining our splendid countryside.

The sad thing is, of course, that although I try and walk a lot and recycle as much as possible, I still consume more than my fair share of pre-packaged food and would never think of joining any green, Save the Planet-style protest groups. Let's face it, the world is fucked. How's that Mars programme coming along?


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