People! Who needs 'em?

Read a really good article the other day about introversion and extroversion. I've lost the link, so apologies for the impending glut of paraphrasing, but the basic point was this: if an extrovert can be seen as someone who is energised by the presence of people (and indeed finds it boring to be alone for too long), then an introvert by definition is tired out by others.

This in no way means introverts are misanthropes or loners - on the contrary, they (oh ok, we) can enjoy socialising with close friends or partners, and be perfectly outgoing and chatty while we're at it. But we find it an effort to do so, and after a few hours start we longing for some quality time alone. And don't get us started on parties and other situations where we suffer prolonged exposure to people we don't really know!

It may sound daft, but I'd never previously considered how introversion and shyness might differ from each other, and it does explain an awful lot. Because, while I'd never admit to being a super-confident social chameleon, I feel far less awkward and scared of "new" people than I used to be. And yet, I'll never feel completely at home in large social groups who hang out with each other all the time, no matter how much I'd like to be that easy-going kinda guy. But at least that article has given me a way to better articulate how my brain works.

Of course, it may just be absolute bollocks.

Never mind. Let's all laugh at some hipsters instead.


Unknown said…
You're exactly right about introversion and shyness. I wrote a blog about it one time. I read somewhere that introverts get energy from being alone why extroverts get their energy from being around people.


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