"The Golden Boys"

To Vicarage Road yesterday for Watford-Wolves. The PA announcer persisted in referring to the home team as "the Golden Boys". Two things: (a) you play in yellow, and (b) what the heck was wrong with the Hornets as a nickname??

Quite aside from the fact that the football you play could never in a million years be described as "golden", and in fact can more accurately be summarised as "cynical long-ball thuggery". To be fair to Adrian Bothroyd though, I'm sure he doesn't expect their flagrant rule-bending to be condoned by most refs, and it's not entirely his team's fault that the ref yesterday was letting them get away with BLOODY EVERYTHING.

Oh well, we did win the game despite our defence looking no better than the last couple of games. It's a rollercoaster of a life being a Wolves fan.


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