Third and final debate
7:35pm Here we go again. Tonight’s third and final Prime Ministerial debate is centered around the economy, so there will likely be much emphasis by each man on how they won’t make crippling cuts vital services, and few if any categorical assertions as to what will actually be getting cut, and how deeply. You could say each will be anxious to paint themselves as “less parsimonious than thou”. Parsimonious, by the way, is a great word. One synonym is “niggardly”, another great word but one which I don’t expect anyone to be pulling out of the hat this evening (unless Griffin turns up unexpectedly). Although it would make for a fine act of political suicide. Speaking of which... Yes, sadly the economy is threatening to be overshadowed this evening by the dreaded Bigotgate debacle. I won’t go into this in detail because it makes me too angry, suffice to say that Mrs Duffy’s comments, such as “all these Eastern Europeans what are coming in, where are they flocking from?” (um, Easte...