Let's have a heated debate! (Part 1)

I’d love to say I deliberately waited until the second live leaders’ debate before blogging on the subject so that I could analyse the debate whilst making penetrative and insightful comparisons with the first one. Obviously the truth is I was just too lazy to bother, but things have worked out rather well as I could never have foreseen how huge the impact of ITV’s vaguely Kraftwerkian extravaganza would be.

As a natural Lib Dem voter I was rooting for Nick Clegg from the off, and my own opinion on him or any of the parties hasn’t really changed. He didn’t appear to put in a masterly, Obama-esque - certainly not a Bartlett-esque - performance, although it was interesting to note just how much freedom he was given to expound on his own views whilst Dave and Gordon concentrated on bickering amongst themselves.

Gradually you did get the sense of "the big two" realising what was happening as they started to challenge Clegg, or in Brown’s case agree with him on pretty much everything in an attempt to show how similar their parties are, and therefore you might as well vote for me anyway, oh go on, you know you want to. This turned out to be a case of too little too late, as Cleggmania now appears to be sweeping the nation.

You can tell just how worried the main parties are by the amount of smearing going on. The Telegraph in particular is being very vociferous, attacking Nick's privileged background (oh noes, he’s quite posh! Newsflash: non-Torys don't dislike the Dave-George-Boris axis purely because they went to Eton - the Bullingdon thing is a symptom of their political leanings, not the cause) and accusing him of taking dodgy donations. What self-respecting Labour or Tory figure hasn’t been? Boy, Nick must be thinking, now I’ve really arrived! However, he suddenly has an awful lot more to lose.

In an attempt to spice things up a little I’ve decided to update this entry IN REAL TIME, so although it will all end up getting posted at the same time later this evening, you’ll have to trust me when I say this is very much being written as it happens. Or, as they’re fond of saying on Sky Sports - AND IT’S LIVE!

Our host is Adam Boulton, who I dislike purely because of an awful Sky trailer in which, after finishing an interview with Gordon Brown, he says “Thank you, Prime Minster. I think [unbearably smug tone] the BBC are waiting for you over there.” So you got to interview the PM five minutes before the Beeb did, huh? That’s certainly convinced me of Sky’s superiority.

The focus of tonight’s debate is meant to be focussing on international affairs, so will Nick come over all statesmanlike? Will Gordon raise his game? Will Dave finally get to mention something about his brave new participatory society idea thing? Let’s find out...

Nearly time. Strategically-placed advert for The Ghost. Thousands of girls sigh as they realise none of the three blokes on next looks as pretty as Pierce Brosnan.

Dear me, an aerial shot of the building complete with portentious "ONE MINUTE TO GO" narration. God love Sky.

The set looks like someone's smashed it while they were putting it up. Also the Sky ticker is still onscreen, which is going to be really annoying.

Brown tries his first smile. "If it's all about style and PR, count me out." Just as well, really. Quite a defiant opening speech. Cameron's hair looks a bit messy. Aha, the big strong society thing gets a mention. Clegg is centre stage! Where he belongs! (well, at the moment). Seems to be oozing with confidence, which could be messy later on. (sorry)

Eurosceptic question. Don't think anyone's going to go as far as the builder-questioner and say we should be well out of it though. Dave's not so keen on it, Nick and Gordon very much are. Tories will guarantee a referendum on any future treaty, Clegg goes further, arguing for an "in or out" referendum. Surely that would leave us out, though? Gordon keen to put the boot into Dave, who contemptuously takes notes.

The habit of constantly addressing the questioner by name gets on my wick, though I can see why some people approve of that sort of thing.

Brown gleefully compares the other two to squabbling little boys. Clegg is "anti-American", apparently. First round drawn I'd say.

Next question: would we be up for another Afghanistan? Brown declares he will directly answer the question and proceeds not to directly answer the question. Cameron is being carefully noncomittal. Meanwhile, Clegg won't rule out further action but plays the anti-Trident, lower military spending card.

"Bravery of our forces", yadda yadda. Surely that goes without saying by now? Nick made friends with some mechanics out in Helmand, which is nice. He accuses terrorists of having dirty bombs, which is an appalling slur. Their bombs could be just as clean as anyone else's. Brown tells him to GET REAL! and says we need Trident, as does Dave.

Uh-oh, climate change question. Watch Dave show his cycling credentials. Gordon enjoys his trains. And his wind. But not as much as his solar panels. The Tories are a blue-green party. (Turquoise perhaps?) Dave says NO to the third runway. Clegg bravely admits he doesn't do enough green stuff, which puts him in the same bracket as most of us to be fair. He would rather spend money on energy efficiency on buildings etc than on nuclear power. Brown pours scorn on that.

Brown is very much on the offensive so far, clearly believing the old maxim of attack being the best form of defence. I think he's a perfectly good public speaker to be honest. The way some people go on about him you'd think he was a complete vegetable.

Boulton meanwhile is making for a genial host, a welcome change from Alastair Stewart and his manic barking of orders last week.

Will you all disown the Pope and not let him into Britain for protecting all those paedophile priests, and discouraging contraception, and stuff? Somewhat of a loaded question there. Seeing as we're not a Catholic country the leaders are free to put the boot into child abuse, but none go so far as to say His Holiness should GTFO.

I'm going to post this now and then start PART 2~!, as this is going to be far too long otherwise...


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